Healthy Lifestyle

Ready for a Reset? 6 Ideas To Help You Get a Fresh Start This Spring

Published: March 30, 2021

The signs of spring are all around us. As the days warm, rains wash away winter grime, plants sprout and birds sing, there’s that familiar feeling of optimism and renewal. And just as nature begins a new chapter, you have an opportunity, as well. With all we’ve been through with the COVID-19 pandemic, perhaps this year you need a fresh start more than ever.

What better time than now to regroup, reprioritize and even reinvent yourself and the life you find yourself living? Here are some ideas for ways you can reset things this spring.


Clear Out Mental and Emotional Clutter

Use this season of renewal to get rid of things weighing you down or sapping your energy.

Think of it like spring cleaning: You might open the curtains to let the light in, box up clothes you never wear and clean out the garage. Now is a great time to do the same mentally and emotionally. Maybe it’s time to move on from a painful experience or extend forgiveness to someone, or maybe you just need to reset your attitude toward something in your life. 

Remember to give yourself some grace and stay positive. The change may not happen overnight, and that’s OK. If negative thoughts creep in, strive to replace them with positive ones. You want to make changes that have long-lasting impact.


Start a New Discipline

A new discipline – yoga, meditation or a walking program, for examples – can help you invite mindfulness into your life. Daily “time-outs” for your discipline will give you a break from your everyday routine. 

Whether it’s an online program or group event, yoga and meditation are relatively affordable and easy to find. Walking is a wonderful way to help your body while clearing your mind. Be sure to change your route from time to time – a change of scenery can change your perspective!


Do Something You’ve Always Wanted To

So you always wanted to learn to cook, try woodworking or visit that museum across town. What are you waiting for? One of the lessons many people have taken from COVID-19 is to stop putting things off. Focus on spring as a time of new beginnings, and resolve to do something you’ve always wanted to do but felt you never had the time for. 

Don’t be afraid to explore and challenge the creative side of your brain, too. It’s never too late to learn a new language, take piano lessons or even go back to school. You’ll never know what might have been if you don’t try.


Assess Your Health

Maybe it’s time to begin taking better care of yourself. After all, it’s far better to make smaller manageable changes to the way you live now than wait for things to get out of your control. Create an inventory of your health: How’s your diet?  How often are you exercising? What’s your level of stress? If necessary, visit your primary care provider to discuss steps you can take to improve your health. 


Volunteer Your Time

People who volunteer get immense satisfaction and joy from giving back. And the opportunities are seemingly endless. Identify something you’re passionate about, then find an organization where you can help out. Whether you’re pitching in behind the scenes or working directly with someone, making a commitment to serve others may be one of the most rewarding things you ever do.


Simplify Your Life

It may seem counterintuitive, but “downshifting” can be the key to “upshifting” your overall quality of life. Ask yourself what’s most important. What do you value most in life? How much quality time do you spend with the people you care about the most? What’s the best way to use your time to create the life you want? Armed with those answers, re-evaluate your commitments. When you focus on what’s really important to you, you can find yourself more content and satisfied.


Time for a New Start

The change of seasons can bring a chance at a fresh start. While it’s up to you to take the first step, you don’t have to go it alone. You likely have a family member or friend who can support or even join you in turning over a new leaf this spring. And your Methodist care team is always ready to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle.

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About the Author

Best Care EAP provides support to help employees focus on their jobs when problems in their personal lives get overwhelming. Their website offers more free and educational resources including webinars, podcasts and more. We are dedicated to providing information that is relevant and meaningful to you and your success.

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