Methodist in the Media

'We Need To Lean on One Another': Managing Mental Health Is Important While Waiting for Medical Procedures

Published: Jan. 26, 2022
Ellen McElderry, manager of the Methodist Hospital Community Counseling Program.
Ellen McElderry

With hospitals postponing surgeries, prolonging wait times and rescheduling patients, what toll is it taking on those who need care and the people who provide it?

Mental health experts say that seeking support and learning to "let go" are key to managing uncertainty on top of uncertainty.

"We are human. We are not designed to be isolative individuals. We are designed to be a part of a family, a part of a group, and we need to lean on one another to take care of each other," said Ellen McElderry, manager of the Methodist Hospital Community Counseling Program.

She also said that practicing some form of activity can give individuals a sense of accomplishment.

"Sitting around and worrying about the ‘what ifs’ is just going to deepen the depression and anxiety that people are coping with. Take action, reach out, talk to people, make those phone calls, get up and do something," she said.

KMTV: Managing mental health is important while waiting for medical procedures