Client Information
Legal Guardian (Complete if different from Client and/or Responsible Party)
Emergency Contact
Insurance Information
To complete the intake process: A front and back copy of your insurance cards need to be submitted to as soon as possible
Primary Insurance Information
Secondary Insurance Information

Methodist Hospital Community Counseling Program Authorization and Consent for Treatment

I, the client, parent and/or legal guardian of

(client/minor's name),hereby give my authorization and consent for and acknowledge the following, for the duration of counseling care.


I consent, either on behalf of myself, or on behalf of the minor listed above, to receive counseling care and treatment. I understand the sessions may either be face to face in person or through telehealth. Telehealth sessions will be performed via a HIPAA compliant platform to reduce the risk of privacy violation.

Treatment may include (please check all that apply);

Couples/relational counseling,

I understand the possible psychological risks involved in pyschotherapy and understand psychotherapy is not an exact science and the results cannot be guaranteed. Psychotherapy is often beneficial, but as with any treatment, there are inherent risks. During therapy, the client may discuss personal issues, which may bring to the surface uncomfortable emotions such as anger, guilt, and sadness. Some of the possible benefits are improved personal relationships, reduced feelings of emotional distress and specific problem solving. No promise has been made to me about the results of treatment.

I authorize, either on behalf of myself, or on behalf of the minor listed above to having electronic medical records shared within the Methodist Hospital Community Counseling Program for the purpose of staff training and supervision.

I further authorize Methodist Hospital Community Counseling Program (MHCCP), any insurance company, and/or any other institution or organization to release all information necessary for the completion of insurance forms and to determine benefits payable. A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

I understand I need to provide accurate information about myself and/or the minor listed above to my clinician, so effective treatment will be obtained. I also agree to play an active role in the treatment process.

I understand I have the opportunity to ask questions regarding the risks, benefits, side effects, alternatives of treatment as well as the consequences of noncompliance with treatment. In addition, I understand I will be informed of the staff’s credentials, licensure, experience, professional associations, specialization, and limitations and ask for additional information if needed.

I have read and understand the items above and have received an explanation of this consent form

Interpreter was present for the review of this consent.

Nebraska Methodist Health System Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Please click on the link below to review and read the Patient Rights and Responsibilities

By signing below, you acknowledge that you have received the Methodist Health System Notice of Privacy Practices. (Note: My signature doesn't indicate that I have read, understood or agree with the Notice, only that it has been provided to me.)

Best Care Employee Assistance Program Notice of Privacy Practices Authorization and Consent for Treatment

Please click on the link below to review and read the Best Care EAP Privacy Notice

