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Clinical Trials Search

As a clinical trial candidate at Methodist, you’re offered unique access to new drugs and technology being studied to improve patient outcomes.
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Showing 11-20 results of 71
Gastrointestinal Cancer

Alliance A021806

Official Title: Testing The Use Of The Usual Chemotherapy Before And After Surgery For Removable Pancreatic Cancer
Study Purpose: To determine if receiving chemotherapy before and after surgery will increase the chance of pancreatic cancer staying away.
Status: Recruiting
Urinary Cancer

Alliance A031702

Official Title: Testing the effectiveness of two immunotherapy drugs (nivolumab and ipilimumab) with one anti-cancer targeted drug (cabozantinib) for rare genitourinary tumors
Study Purpose: To test the good and bad effects of the drugs cabozantinib, nivolumab, and ipilimumab in rare genitourinary cancers that have no standard treatment options.The doctors hope to learn if the study drugs will stabilize or shrink the cancer.
Status: Recruiting
Blood Cancer

Alliance A041701

Official Title: A randomized phase 11/111 study of conventional chemotherapy +/- uproleselan (GMI-1271) in older adults with acute myeloid leukemia receiving intensive induction chemotherapy.
Study Purpose: To compare the usual treatment alone to using uproleselan plus the usual treatment.
Status: Suspended
Lung Cancer

Alliance A081801

Official Title: Testing The Addition Of A Type Of Drug Called Immunotherapy To The Usual Chemotherapy Treatment For Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Study Purpose: To compare the usual treatment alone to using pembrolizumab plus the usual treatment.  The addition of pembrolizumab to the usual treatment could prevent it from returning.
Status: Recruiting
Lung Cancer

Alliance A151216

Official Title: Genetic Testing in Screening Patients With Stage IB-IIIA Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer That Has Been or Will Be Removed by Surgery (The ALCHEMIST Screening Trial)
Study Purpose: To study the genes of tumor cells to determine if these results will help physicians select the best treatment options for patients with genetic changes. 
Status: Recruiting
Breast Cancer


Official Title:  Breast Cancer Registry
Study Purpose: BCCR is a unique resource for the collection and management of cancer and health-related data.
Status: Recruiting
Rare Tumor


Study Purpose: To explore a diverse range of both investigational and off-label FDA-approved drugs, each targeting a unique mutation.
Status: Recruiting


Official Title: A Phase III Randomized, Open-label, Multicenter Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Divarasib versus Sotorasib or Divarasib in patients with previously treated KRAS G12C-positive Advanced or Metastatic NSCLC.
Study Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of divarasib compared to currently approved Sotorasib or Adagrasib.
Status: Pending
Heart and Vascular


Official Title: BOLT: A Prospective, Multicenter Study of Patients with Deep Vein Thrombosis to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of the Indigo® Aspiration System
Study Purpose: Evaluated Safety and Efficacy of Indigo Aspiration System
Status: Recruiting
Other Trials

Breast Cancer Registry

Official Title: Integrated Cancer Repository for Cancer Research (iCaRe2) – Breast Cancer Collaborative Repository
Study Purpose: This registry/tissue bank focuses on the collection of detailed information and biological samples to help create a resource that will be helpful to cancer researchers to study risk factors for a number of different types of cancer and other diseases, which relate to cancer.
Status: Recruiting