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Tobacco Cessation

Dinner with a Doctor: Taking on Tobacco

Registration required, as dinner will be served. RSVP by February 21, 2023 by calling (402) 727-3439.

Let's clear the airJoin us for Dinner with a Doctor

Hosted by Dr. Kenneth Klein, Radiation Oncologist

March 7, 2023, 5:00 p.m.
Dunklau Conference Room at Methodist Fremont Health

Registration required, as dinner will be served. RSVP by February 21, 2023 by calling (402) 727-3439.(link is a phone number)

If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer and still use tobacco, find out what you can do to quit.

Benefits of quitting smoking after a cancer diagnosis:

  • Reduced all-cause mortality and cancer-specific mortality
  • Decreased risk of cancer recurrence and developing a secondary primary cancer
  • Less adverse treatment outcomes, including improved response to chemo and radiation, less medication side effects, improved healing after surgery, and postoperative pulmonary complications
  • Decreased overall healthcare costs