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Photo of Alexandra Tobaben

Alexandra Tobaben

As a clinical dietitian at Methodist Hospital, Alexandra Tobaben, MS, RD, LMNT, typically works with adults dealing with acute or chronic medical conditions.

Tobaben is especially passionate about studying the gut microbiome and educating patients on its impact within the body, especially as that relates to conventional and functional medicine. She also has an interest in the prevention and treatment chronic conditions.

The most rewarding part of my job is definitely the small wins,” Tobaben said. “Seeing a patient go from needing nutrition support to getting their nutrition orally and watching their health improve as a result. Or, seeing a patient understand the role that diet plays in their health and see results because of that. I love being able to advocate for patients when it comes to their wants, needs and goals.”

In her free time, Tobaben enjoys cooking and baking a variety of foods. 

Said Tobaben: “On the weekends, you’ll definitely find me in the kitchen.”