Dr. Sage Was Devoted to Methodist Community Health Clinic
Published: Sept. 12, 2018
On a late summer night, the rose garden at Memorial Park hummed.
In the center, a half-dozen people practiced the slow moves of tai chi.
Nearby, a long-married couple stooped here to smell a rose, there to admire a vibrant color. The scent of roses drifted by.
Many hands made this garden, but Dr. John Sage was one of the garden’s most dedicated volunteers over the past two decades.
Sage worked to provide medical care to those in need at the Renaissance Clinic, which operated out of the Salvation Army building in midtown. The clinic has since moved to Kountze Commons and was renamed the Methodist Community Health Clinic. Sage and his wife provided funding to help secure the clinic’s success at its new location.
Omaha World-Herald: "He's One of a Kind: Dr. Sage Dies at Age 87