Dress in Blue on March 6

Published: Feb. 26, 2015

Dress in Blue Day promotes awareness of colorectal cancer and encourages people to get screened.

Colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States and the third leading cause of cancer death. But it doesn't have to be this way. Through screening, colon cancer is one of the most preventable diseases.

According to the American Cancer Society:


  • Approximately 140,000 Americans are diagnosed with colon cancer every year.
  • Colon cancer often has no symptoms until it's at an advanced stage.
  • You can reduce your risk through regular screenings.
  • Beginning at age 50 (or earlier if you are high risk), everyone should talk to a doctor about getting a screening test for colon cancer.
  • There are currently more than one million colon cancer survivors in the United States.

How can I get screened?
One of the methods of screening for colorectal cancer is an annual fecal occult blood (FOBT) kit screening. Each March the Great Plains Colon Cancer Task Force provides free colon cancer screening through distribution of FOBT kits distribution at local pharmacies. In 2014, the Task Force distributed over 2,000 FOBT kits to the Omaha/Council Bluffs community. During the month of March, people age 50 and older can pick up a free FOBT kit at local pharmacies such as Walgreens, Baker’s Express, U-Save and Kohll’s.  

Are there community events to raise awareness of colorectal cancer?
Yes, there are several events, including: 

  • Rollin’ to Colon is a cycling event that will be held on June 14, 2015, and will again benefit the Great Plains Colon Cancer Task Force. This family-friendly event features varying cycling distances starting in Valley, Nebraska, with some routes pedaling through the village of Colon, Nebraska.  Check out more details at: www.rollintocolon.org.
  • The Boxer 500 is a 5K run/walk, 1M walk and kids' event to raise awareness about colorectal cancer. Participants are encouraged to draw attention to their bottoms and colorectal cancer by participating in boxer underwear. The event is August 9, 2015, at Werner Park in Papillion, and it will also benefit the Great Plains Colon Cancer Task Force.  Event details can be found at: www.boxer500.org

Learn more about Methodist Cancer services.