Kountze Campus to Become Home To Methodist Community Health Clinic

Published: March 11, 2016

Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church will embark on a campus expansion project at 26th and Douglas that will also become home to the Methodist Community Health Clinic.

The property, which was once home to KETV, will soon feature a 14,000 square foot building that will house a 4,500 square foot medical clinic and the two-story Kountze Commons.  

The Kountze Commons would allow for expansion of the church’s food pantry, which began more than 35 years ago. In 2014, the church’s pantry served 19,579 people, an average of 376 per week. 

The Methodist Community Health Clinic space will feature seven exam rooms and a medical staff available to provide a full scope of services.

KETV: Former KETV location turning into health clinic to help homeless, low-income residents 

KPTM: New center to offer food, health care to those in need