Methodist Hospital 6 North Progressive Care Unit Is Team Daisy Winner

Published: Sept. 9, 2015

The Methodist Hospital Progressive Care nursing team on 6 North was honored at a recognition ceremony on Wednesday, September 9, as the September DAISY Team Award winner for Methodist Hospital and Methodist Women's Hospital.

The team was nominated for the honor by a patient's daughter, a Methodist nursing leader, who described what it was like to be on the other side of the bedrails: "I had to put my nurse hat away, be a daughter and trust that the nurses were going to take care of my mom." 

The care plan involved a particularly challenging surgical procedure and post-op care -- all handled with great compassion. The nominator wrote, "Mom wanted to nominate the entire floor for all of their excellent care! At times, Mom would ask me if the nurses were that nice because I am the boss, and I told Mom, 'No, these nurses truly are the Meaning of Care with everyone!'" 

When asked to name specific standouts, the patient mentioned Jason Heimes and Maria Christiansen as nurses who impressed her most with their patient, responsive and genuinely caring ways.

"Mom was an LPN earlier in life, and it was clear that Maria and Jason spoke with her with the respect of a nurse, yet cared for her as a patient. They took time to explain, to listen and to encourage Mom. Mom felt they were called to this profession because of the special gifts of compassion and kindness that can't be taught, but come naturally from within."

"My family and I send a HUGE thank-you for all of the support and caring during one of the longest and hardest times of our lives. There is no better feeling than knowing your loved one is left in safe, caring hands. We are honored to nominate you for the DAISY Award as a small token of appreciation for what you not only did for us, but for what you do for all of your patients. 

The DAISY Award is a nationwide program that rewards and celebrates extraordinary skill and compassionate care given by nurses every day. Nurses can be nominated by anyone, including patients, family members, physicians, supervisors or their peers.

 To nominate a nurse at Methodist Hospital or Methodist Women’s Hospital, visit