North Platte Couple Have Much to be Thankful For

Published: Nov. 25, 2016

A few years ago, Emily and David Cooper didn’t think they’d ever have babies to take trick-or-treating, to eat turkey with or to buy Christmas presents for, but life is full of surprises.

As they look at their two children, Allie, 3, and Isaac, 9 months, they’re reminded just how much they have to be thankful for.

When Emily found out she was pregnant in 2013, after five years of trying, they were thrilled.

They later learned they’d be having a little girl and decided to call her Alexa, or Allie for short. She was due on July 7.

The Cooper family would eventually find themselves at Methodist Women's Hospital, where Emily remained on bedrest until Allie was born.

North Platte Telegraph: LIttle Miracles