Inspiring Stories

Parents Surprise Methodist Hospital Employee With Big Thank-You. Her Message to Others: Pass it On

Published: March 26, 2020

The Methodist Hospital registration specialist is often the first person a patient or visitor sees after entering the hospital. Over the past few weeks, she’s taken on extra duties and shifts as the hospital’s policies evolve and other needs arise.

“It’s a lot of working, but for good reason,” she said. “Patient care. Our patients need us.”

Armed with that sense of purpose, Beaver was leaving her parent’s house in Valley on Sunday when she got a surprise she just had to share.


George, Caryl and Lacy Beaver

“The Best Feeling You Can Ever Have”

As Beaver was backing out of the driveway, she noticed a plywood sign leaning against the flagpole in the yard. At first, she thought her parents Caryl and George Beaver were selling something. Then she read the sign.

“Thank you Lacy and all the health care workers on the front line for your devotion. Love, Mom & Dad.”

“I started reading it, and I had the biggest smile on my face,” she said while choking up. “It’s the best feeling you can ever have, knowing you have a supportive family and people looking out for you, trying to show their appreciation in whatever way is most helpful to get you through these harder times.”

Caryl got the idea for the sign after seeing how Italians had hung banners and sang from their balconies to thank health care workers. Her thoughts immediately went to her daughter and others in the field.

“They risk their lives being there,” Caryl said. “It’s just something we can do to let them know we appreciate it.”


Chewy the dog with the sign thanking health care workers

Thanks to All Health Care Workers

Surprised and motivated, Beaver showed her coworkers a photo of the sign. 

“I told them, ‘This is for all of us.’ I wanted them to know that they’re thought about and appreciated.”

She shared it on Facebook, mixing humor and gratitude in writing: “It’s really the little things. … Or little things written on a big piece of plywood on your front lawn.”

And she forwarded it to hospital leadership, noting how the show of appreciation extends to all staff. 

Caryl and George parents agree.

“It takes a lot of people to make the health care system work,” Caryl said. “We just really appreciate all the health care workers, the administration and everyone that’s involved. There’s so many people involved in the health care industry. They need to be thanked.”


Every Act Matters

Moved by her parents’ act, Beaver has a simple idea for others: Pass it on.

“I’m just trying to encourage my friends and people I know to do that,” she said. “Send a note, a text, just a small notion to show that you care about them. That they’re doing good work and to keep it going.”

Because, more than ever, every staff member at the hospital matters. As does every act of kindness and word of encouragement during times like this.

“We literally put our lives on the line every day because we’re being exposed to so many people,” Beaver said. “We choose to do that because that’s what we want to do. We want to care for people and help make them better. It’s just part of the fabric that makes us health care professionals.”


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About the Author

Patrick Smith, internal communications manager for Methodist Health System, has over a decade of experience writing and editing for newspapers and other publications. He enjoys meeting new people and telling stories that highlight Methodist's mission to deliver The Meaning of Care.

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Photo of Patrick Smith