Healthy Lifestyle
Rare Muscle Damage Syndrome Rhabdo Is Dangerous - and Preventable
Published: Sept. 19, 2019
However, there’s another workout-related problem that’s been making headlines. Rhabdomyolysis, also known as rhabdo, is rare but potentially deadly. It’s been reported among football players, people engaging in military-style and other intense workout regimens, and even teenagers competing in a 1,000-squat challenge.
What is rhabdo?
Rhabdo, a syndrome that involves muscle injury and breakdown, can occur with any intense exercise if it involves the repetitive motion of a muscle or new movement. Other causes include trauma, drug use and use of statins.
Rhabdo results from the death of muscle fibers and the release of their contents into the bloodstream. There’s the potential for kidney damage, kidney failure and, in rare cases, death. But prompt treatment usually leads to a full recovery.
The syndrome has several symptoms, but not all are always present. They are:
- Muscle pain and swelling
- Muscle weakness
- Dark urine or less urination
Factors that can increase the chance of having rhabdo are:
- Exercise intensity
- A person’s conditioning
- Hydration
- Body temperature
Work out smarter, not harder
All that said, concerns about rhabdo shouldn’t scare you away from exercising. For the average person, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s when exercise is taken to the extreme that people can get hurt.
If you’re concerned about rhabdo, focus on what you can do to prevent it. Talk to your doctor before beginning a rigorous workout program. Then remember to listen to your body, ease yourself into more challenging exercises and give yourself the recovery time you need.
More Resources
- Are you dehydrated? Here are six signs you may need to drink up
- Learn how a dynamic warm-up can reduce the risk of injury during exercise