Sea of Pink Planned at Creighton vs. Cancer Pink Out Game

When the Creighton men’s basketball team takes on Butler on Friday, Jan. 25, fans are encouraged to think pink.
The eighth annual Creighton vs. Cancer Pink Out, co-sponsored by Methodist Health System and CHI Health, is a powerful event that promotes awareness of all cancers. Creighton players will wear pink shooting shirts and jerseys, and the first 16,000 fans to enter the CHI Health Center each will receive a free pink T-shirt to wear.
Fans can also honor someone who is battling or has battled cancer by buying personalized apparel through an online auction that ends Jan. 20. Last year’s auction raised over $28,000. Since 2012, the Pink Out auction has raised over $186,000.
All money raised benefits Hope Lodge Omaha, which provides a free home away from home for cancer patients and caregivers who travel to Omaha for treatment.
Fans have another chance to stand up to cancer on Sunday, Feb. 10, when the Creighton women’s basketball team has its own Pink Out game against Seton Hall.
More from the 2018 Pink Out event: