September Is Safe Baby Month

Published: Sept. 2, 2015

In September 2014, Methodist Jennie Edmundson Hospital launched a new Safe Baby Campaign, making an easy-to-understand DVD/booklet package available free of charge to hospitals, day care providers, new parents and high school classes on parenting and child development.

From September 2014 to September 2015, a total of 4,570 Safe Baby DVD/booklets, brochures and magnets were distributed.

The Safe Baby Campaign includes ways to keep infants safe from:

  • Shaken Baby Syndrome
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  • Co-sleeping
  • Infant exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke

“Members of the Shaken Baby Task Force work throughout the year on a variety of programs to keep our babies and children safe in our community,” said Jean Armstrong, RN Manager of Family and Community Health Resources at Methodist Jennie Edmundson Hospital. “It’s not one agency or program. It takes all of us working together in the community to keep infants and children safe.”

Throughout the month of September, a display outside the Family Resource Center at Methodist Jennie Edmundson Hospital will showcase ways agencies are working together to keep infants and children safe.

For additional information and events related to September as Baby Safety Month, contact Jean Armstrong at (712) 396-4200.

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