Healthy Lifestyle
Stressed Out? 8 Ways to Manage

Making a lifestyle change
Managing your stress isn’t easy.
It can take several tries before you find what works for you. Stress management is a lifestyle change. You have to make a conscious effort to dedicate time to this new way of thinking.
8 tips for easing stress
- Take it slow. Don’t expect change overnight, but stick to it. Effectively managing your stress can be a game changer. Both your emotional and physical life will benefit from even the smallest change.
- Be aware of your early reactions. Get to know how you deal with stress and identify triggers so you can start early intervention.
- Remember you’re not alone. Your family and friends are there to help you. Use them as a resource. Communicate clearly, maintain honesty and work to strengthen relationships with those who may be your biggest supporters.
- Actively rethink. When you feel stress start to well up, take time to stop and reset. Rethink how you would normally act in a stressful situation and reset your thinking and goals. Putting a positive spin on the moment may help prevent an otherwise stressful outcome.
- Try yoga! Relaxation techniques such as yoga, tai chi, massage, deep breathing and meditation are excellent calming strategies to help you re-center yourself and find inner peace.
- Maintain a healthy diet. Don’t underestimate the effect a healthy diet can have on your total wellbeing. Limit high fat and calorie foods that may cause you to be sluggish and drain your energy. Limit alcohol intake as well as it can exacerbate stress.
- Exercise, exercise, exercise! Not only is frequent exercise an excellent lifestyle modification that will improve your physical health, research has proven time and again the mental benefits from exercise are astounding!
- Get plenty of rest. Often times our daily stressors become nightly fulminations. Leave stress and tension at the door and keep your bedroom a place for relaxation and sleep. A good night’s sleep will help you start fresh and prepare you to face the next day in a new light.
Keep your goals realistic. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Finding the best personal combination of stress management techniques will take time. Take one day at a time and set frequent short term goals. You will get there!
If you need help finding ways to manage stress both physically and emotionally, talk with your Methodist Physicians Clinic health care provider.