Ta-Tas and Tu-Tus

Bright pink tutus
It was easy to spot them at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.
A gaggle of giggling women, ringed with bright pink tutus.
“Our team name, is ‘Tatas and Tutus,’” said Peggy Cox, the ringleader of the group. “We’re a group of work friends and friends who have known one another for many, many years.”
The fight of her life
Those many years include 10 years ago – when Peggy went through the fight of her life.
“It started with a lump,” said Peggy, who is also a breast cancer survivor. “They did all the tests and I went through chemotherapy. I had my surgery and follow-up at Methodist.”
Never alone
Through her breast cancer battle, she was never alone. In fact, she and her sister faced adversity together.
“My sister was going through colon cancer at the same exact time,” said Peggy, “so we went through therapy together.”
Sharing the message
Together, these sisters – and these friends – are sharing a message with their grandchildren. That with early detection and treatment, survival is more than possible.
“I think it’s pretty cool that you can have a fun event like this to bring attention to breast cancer,” said Izzy, Peggy’s granddaughter, who was also outfitted in her own tutu. “You don’t have to die from it. You can go through it. You can survive.”
A sense of humor
And while spreading that message, they’re having a few laughs.
“We’ve been doing this for years to make it more fun, and we try to get our group to grow each year,” said Peggy. “We’re here to support everyone. It’s all about survival and support.”