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NRG / LU007

Trial Overview

Official Title

Testing The Addition Of Radiation Therapy To The Usual Immune Therapy Treatment (Atezolizumab) For Patients With Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer

Study Purpose

To determine if can we extend the time without your extensive small cell lung cancer growing or spreading by adding radiation therapy to the usual treatment for this type of cancer.


Patients have extensive stage small cell lung cancer.


MRI brain with contrast or CT brain with contrast

CT chest, abdomen and pelvis or whole body PET/CT scan after the fourth cycle of chemotherapy

Patients must have had measurable disease

Patients must have three or fewer observable liver metastases

No evidence of progressive disease

Patients must sign an approved informed consent and authorization permitting release of personal health information.


This study has two study groups. 

  • Group 1: Patients in this group will continue to get the usual immune therapy drug, atezolizumab every 3 weeks.
  • Group 2: Patients in this group will get radiation therapy plus the usual immune therapy drug (atezolizumab) used to treat this type of cancer.

For more information, click the link below:


Key Participation Requirements
Male or Female
19 years and older
Enrollment Status
Phase II
Methodist Health System Trial Code