Methodist in the Media
Fremont Tribune Spotlights Unsung Heroes in Series
Published: March 23, 2021
Methodist Fremont Health received its first COVID-19 patient on March 23, 2020. One year later to commemorate the anniversary, the Fremont Tribune spotlighted the hospital's unsung heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Occupational therapist Alli Greene and physical therapist Kelly Hatcher reflected on the successes and hardships of using their training in ways they never imagined as they worked to rebuild strength in long-term COVID-19 patients.
Part 1: Occupational therapist recalls 'goosebumps'
Respiratory therapist Jen Howard credits coworkers, the support of her family, and prayer for helping her through times that she — and so many others like her — never would have imagined. She believes her skills as a respiratory therapist were sharpened during the pandemic and finds hope in the fact that numbers of COVID patients are declining.
Part 2: Respiratory therapist recalls good, tough moments
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the environmental services department for Methodist Fremont Health and Dunklau Gardens has faced the monumental task of keeping facilities clean in the daily fight against the deadly virus. In the process, they’ve earned the acclaim of those around them.
Part 3: Environmental services workers connect to patients
Looking back on the past year, Chaplain Scott Jensen recalls the incredible teamwork at Methodist Fremont Health, times of sorrow and success, lessons learned, and when staff realized they could make a difference in times of life and death.
Part 4: Chaplain recalls painful, beautiful moments
On a battlefield where health care workers fought to save lives, Maria Calderon was among the tender warriors whose compassion transcended language barriers and who sought to bring understanding and comfort to frightened and grief-stricken people.