Methodist in the Media
Omaha Pediatricians See Uptick in Colds, Other Respiratory Ailments
Published: June 21, 2021
Several Omaha-area pediatricians said they are seeing an uptick in illnesses caused by viruses other than COVID, likely as a result of the fact that people are venturing out more and masking up less. What’s most unusual is that it’s coming in June.
Dr. Mikail Kraft, a pediatrician with Methodist Physicians Clinic, saw his first case of bronchiolitis this week. The lower respiratory infection is something he’d usually see in November.
“It feels like the wintertime, yet it’s 104 degrees outside,” he said, referring to Thursday’s temps.
Kraft said he also has seen an uptick in parainfluenza and common colds: “It’s definitely different than what we typically see.”
"We just really didn't see that peak this last year," said Dr. Hayley Timm, Methodist Physicians Clinic pediatrician.
She added that masks were a prime source for keeping those case numbers down.
OWH: Omaha Pediatricians See Uptick in Colds, Other Respiratory Ailments
KETV: Pediatricians Monitor Surge in RSV Following a Year-Long Drop in Cases