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Showing 101-110 results of 3255

Fighting TB With Every Breath

It’s a little poke under the skin, but the results can be lifesaving. Tuberculosis (TB) is a deadly disease – one of the deadliest in the world. But most importantly, it’s also treatable and preventable.World TB DayWorld TB Day is every year on March 24, and it’s a great time to look at the preventi…

What You May Not Know About Lymphedema

A System Designed To Keep You healthy Hidden inside your body is a very complex system that helps keep your body’s health in check. Your lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes, organs and a network of vessels similar to your circulatory system. But instead of blood, the lymphatic system transport…

Gardening Can Be Great Exercise

The sun is shining longer, and the trees are starting to bud. Now that spring has arrived, many of us find ourselves heading out to our flower and vegetable gardens. Most people don’t think of gardening as exercise. But believe it or not, gardening provides an excellent opportunity for strength an…

5 Solutions for Your Teen's Painful Periods

When a young woman starts her cycle, it’s not always easy. Sometimes, in fact, the transition to womanhood can be very painful. Relatively few teenagers have normal, regular periods when they first begin.   One of the most frequent things we see in younger patients is very heavy, painful periods. …

Healthy Recipe: Salmon and Red Grapefruit Salad

It’s no secret that salmon is good for you. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals, and is a good source of high quality protein and heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Combine that with grapefruit - an excellent source of vitamins A and C, and you have a dish teaming with both nutritional value and …

Is it Strep Throat?

Influenza is finally dying down, but lately, we have seen a run of strep throat in our Methodist Physicians Clinic Regency pediatrics office. If your child complains of a sore throat, how can you tell the difference between just a run-of-the-mill virus and strep?What is strep?Strep throat is a conta…

Better Cancer Prevention and Treatment with Registry

Do you ever wonder how cancer statistics are collected? How doctors determine what cancer treatments are the most effective? Or how public health officials learn where clusters of cancer diagnoses are located?It all starts with a Cancer Registry. Here at Methodist, we’re fortunate to support registr…

6 Steps to Healthy Feet

Many of us spend a lot of time being concerned about the condition of our ankles, hips and knees, but strong, healthy, happy feet are the foundation of every step in our lives. Exercises improve function and flexibilityLarge movements, like your balance and walking, are dependent on well-functioning…

Car Seat Safety: Nebraska's New Law

One of the most confusing but important things for any parent to keep up on is the ever-changing recommendations on car seats and automobile safety for kids. In honor of Nebraska's new car seat law and a recent 15-hour road trip with two kids under age 5, I thought a refresher on car seat recommenda…

Brian Harris, MD

Dr. Brian Harris is an internal medicine physician at Methodist Physicians Clinic. Meeting people and building relationships are what he loves most about the job, and his favorite moments come when patients express their gratitude. “That just tells me I'm making an impact and doing something good,”…