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Showing 3151-3160 results of 3259

Pregnant and Positive: Addressing Fear and Complications When COVID-19 Strikes

“He’s a FOMO baby, for sure,” Justin Comstock said of his son, Casey. “He’s up at about 5 a.m. and ready to party. He likes to be awake, he likes to be held, and he really likes noise – anything loud and obnoxious, he’s here for it.”Dad might be onto something with Casey’s “fear of missing out.” Dur…

Take It From the Experts: Here’s How To Thank a Doctor

To the mom, the dad, the sister, the brother, the child – or the couple praying for one: Chances are likely there’s a doctor you admire.Maybe it’s the one who brought your baby safely into the world after a roller coaster of a pregnancy. The one who caught your cancer early and held your hand throug…

Boost Your Healthy Habits

A better lifeLooking for a way to change your life for the better? It starts by building a healthy lifestyle that takes you through day after day.But when people say “healthy lifestyle,” what does that really look like?Start the Day RightWake up about the same time every day. All of our basic functi…

Take a Break: Hitting Pause Can Lead to Some of Your Best Work

In order to have more time with my family, I work fewer, longer days.The struggle in doing so is ensuring that my time away from home is well-spent.At the end, or even in the middle of a long day, I often tell myself:Just keep going.Head down, get it done.Don’t stop now.Stopping seems like the exact…

Cardiopulmonary Rehab Staff Helps Patient’s Husband Receive Much-Needed Care

Paul Allen and his wife, Arma Jo, with cardiopulmonary rehab staff members Kelly Culjat and Denise Bainter. Paul Allen always accompanies his wife, Arma Jo, at her pulmonary rehabilitation appointments on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Methodist Physicians Clinic in Council Bluffs.He normally pulls in a …

How to Prevent Injury During Winter Workouts

First it’s Thanksgiving (and the leftovers that follow), then Christmas cookies – I mean, Christmas – and finally the new year. Cheers!There’s no workout motivation quite like the guilt that often follows the overindulging on all the treats and drinks these holidays tend to produce.And here’s some f…

Methodist's Cardiac Team Showcases Collaboration To Meet Patients' Needs

CardiologyOn Aug. 16, Kerry Naylor fought chest pain throughout his stationary bike ride and completed only three miles instead of his normal five.Kerry Naylor and his wife, Ramonda.Kerry, 66, went to tell his wife about the pain. But as he tried to find his words to explain what he felt, he dropped…

Where Are They Now? See the Jones Quad Squad 5 Years Later

Ezinne and Andrew Jones’ journey to parenthood began with heartbreak. After suffering three miscarriages, Ezinne became pregnant with triplets under the care of reproductive endocrinologist Carolyn Maud Doherty, MD, with Methodist Reproductive Health Specialists. But at 20 weeks, one of the babies b…