Methodist in the Media

Family of COVID-19 Survivors Send Warning to Community

Published: April 24, 2020

Dan Marburg, 53, spent eight days in Omaha's Methodist Hospital fighting to stay off a respirator.

"The charge nurse came in and said I was the sickest patient on the COVID floor and scared the hell out of all of them. But I was able to fight through it and a week later, I walked out the door," he said.

Marburg said it started in mid-March with a pesky sinus infection, pneumonia, high fever of 103.9, trip to the emergency room and a positive test of COVID-19.

Marburg asked his doctors to "treat me like I'm going to live, not like I'm going to die."

KETV: 'It is here. It is real. It will kill you': Family of COVID-19 survivors send warning to community