Press Releases

Indian Hills internal Medicine Welcomes Shana Peper, MD

Published: July 11, 2017

A lifelong Husker fan with a military upbringing has joined the Methodist Physicians Clinic family at Indian Hills.

Dr. Shana Peper was born in Bellevue and loved the Cornhusker state so much, all of her educational training was completed in Nebraska.

Her military upbringing stressed the importance of service and led her to an early interest in medicine.

“For as long as I can remember I have had an interest in medicine,” Dr. Peper said. “I wanted to live a life dedicated to service and to others ever since I was young. Medicine allowed me to combine that with my love of challenges and constant need for learning. The medical field is a lot of fun and it’s an honor to belong to the profession.”

Dr. Peper attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, earning degrees in biological chemistry and Spanish, with minors in chemistry, mathematics, English and political science. Her medical school and residency training were completed at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

“One of my early preceptors was an internal medicine physician,” she said. “After that training I knew that was the connection I wanted in medicine – lasting relationships with patients through their struggles and celebrations. As I grew in my medical knowledge I loved the thrill of diagnosing, evaluating and managing complex disease processes.”

Dr. Peper just completed her residency training and has learned a great deal about the importance of a good relationship with patients.

“I think the most crucial aspect of a doctor-patient relationship is trust,” she said. “As a physician, a patient is coming to you or bringing their loved one to you and asking you to care for them or their loved one. They are trusting that you are performing at your best and will put their needs above yours. They trust that you will ultimately do the right thing. If that trust isn’t there, no matter your knowledge or skill set, the therapeutic outcome you need won’t be there.”

Dr. Peper is now seeing patients at Methodist Physicians Clinic Indian Hills (8901 W. Dodge Road). Appointments can be made by calling 402-354-8600.