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Showing 1061-1070 results of 3259

COVID Cases Fall in Nebraska, but Hospitals Haven't Yet Seen any Relief

Nebraska may have reached the peak of COVID-19 cases caused by the omicron variant, but the sharp decline in cases is not yet providing relief for the state’s hospitals. Brett Richmond, president and CEO of Methodist Fremont Health, said he was wary of predicting what the coronavirus will do next. …

Chest Pain: Should I Be Worried?

  Most of us have experienced it: a twinge, tightness, even a sharp, stabbing sensation. And because most of us are well-versed on the symptoms that accompany a heart attack, that’s the most feared cause of chest pain. But not all chest pain is cardiac in nature. There are a number of things that…

Docs to Pregnant Nebraskans: Trust Us on Vaccine, Not Facebook Falsehoods

Pregnant women with COVID-19 are more likely than other women their age to be hospitalized, need intensive care and be placed on a ventilator. Mothers are at higher risk of developing HELLP Syndrome, a severe version of pre-eclampsia, a pregnancy complication that can cause high blood pressure and …

Nurse Showed Extraordinary Care by Gifting Clothes to Patient in Need

 The second-floor surgery break room doors opened at Methodist Hospital, and there stood Angela Knigge, BSN, RN, with a big smile on her face. Once she saw her fellow nurses standing inside the room and clapping their hands to welcome her, she knew what was happening.“I swear, I thought I was in tro…

COVID-19 Community Vaccination Information

Methodist Health System is proud to be partnering with health departments in the communities we serve to assist with the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine is available at most all of our Methodist Physicians Clinic locations. Appointments for the vaccine are recommended and can be ma…

COVID-19 Resources

For more information on COVID-19, access the following organizations: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention World Health Organization Nebraska Department of Health and Human Service Iowa Department of Public Health Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Resources for Older Adults, Family Caregiv…

COVID-19 Testing

Are you experiencing COVID-19 symptoms? According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention symptoms can vary from very mild to more severe. If you have any of these symptoms you MAY have COVID-19: Fever or chills Cough Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Fatigue Muscle or bod…