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Showing 2641-2650 results of 3259

7 Steps to Reduce Your Risk of Falls

It’s probably not something you’ve thought much about – how to prevent a fall. But with each passing year, knowing how to stop a fall or prevent one from happening in the first place becomes increasingly important. The danger of falls Falls are dangerous for a variety of reasons. Falls in genera…

Labor Delivery Nurses Welcome 17 Babies of Their Own

Out of the 5,026 babies born at Methodist Women's Hospital in 2018, 17 share a special bond. That's because their mothers share the same job -- working as labor and delivery nurses. "We're all going through the same stages in life," said Teresa Minarich, a labor and delivery nurse. "I feel like a…

Methodist Physicians Clinic Welcomes Noninvasive Cardiologist Jeremy Stone

For Jeremy Stone, MD, the ability to help improve a patient’s quality of life is exciting and humbling. “It’s simply the greatest feeling to see your patient overcome obstacles and achieve their goals,” said Dr. Stone, a noninvasive cardiologist who has joined the staff at Methodist Physicians Clin…

Women's Hospital Eclipses 5,000 births ... Again

In the past 7 ½ years, since opening in June of 2010, Methodist Women’s Hospital has delivered over 33,000 babies, enough to exceed the entire population of Kearney. For the third straight year the Women’s Hospital has exceeded 5,000 births, bringing the total to 15,736 since 2015. The 5,000 mar…

Rare Muscle Damage Syndrome Rhabdo Is Dangerous - and Preventable

Exercise is key to a healthy lifestyle. But despite our best efforts to be safe, joint and muscle injuries can occur with exercise and even daily movements. Sprains, strains and muscle pulls – while inconvenient and annoying – are just a fact of life sometimes. However, there’s another workout-rel…

Dr. Kotula Joins Experts for Zika Virus Q & A

A virus stirring worry globally reached the Omaha area Thursday, with two cases of the Zika virus reported in Douglas and Sarpy Counties. Health authorities confirmed the virus in two women in their 20s who had recently traveled to Zika-affected nations.And a person in Texas was found to have contra…

4 Lesser-Known Health Risks of a High BMI

Surely you’ve heard of body mass index (BMI). Perhaps you even know yours. BMI is a measurement of a person’s weight in relation to their height.BMI ranges are:Underweight: Less than 18.5Normal: 18.5 to 24.9Overweight: 25 to 29.9Obese: 30+It’s well understood that a BMI of over 25 can put you at gre…

Nebraska Missing Out on Ripple Effect of Medicaid Expansion

Much of the debate about expanding health insurance coverage for low-income Nebraskans has focused on its estimated cost to the state — and at over $20 million a year, it’s not insignificant. But taxpayer expense is certainly not the only way Medicaid expansion could affect Nebraskans’ pocketbooks.M…