We’re your resource for a lifetime of continence and confidence. Our board-certified urogynecologists can help you control bladder issues and improve your quality of life.
Methodist My Care
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Why Methodist?
Methodist is dedicated to the evaluation and care of pelvic floor disorders to help you achieve or maintain an active lifestyle. Staffed by fellowship-trained urogynecologists with extensive experience, we provide patients with individualized, state-of-the-art assessments and treatment options.
Urogynecology services offered at our clinics include:
- Biofeedback evaluations
- Cystoscopy procedures
- Pelvic floor consultations
- Pelvic floor physical therapy
- Time voiding/bladder training
- Urogynecologic surgery
Urogynecology Care Is Available at These Locations:

Meet Our Urogynecology Providers
Methodist My Care
Access your medical records, schedule an appointment and more – all in one convenient spot.