Methodist in the Media
Identical Twins, 93, Enjoy Life at Dunklau Gardens
Published: Aug. 15, 2022
If a joyful heart is good medicine, you’d think Jean Tiedje and Joan Scheer could be pharmacists.
The 93-year-old, identical twins live at Dunklau Gardens in Fremont, where they laugh a lot and dispense their good humor to others.
“They’re always joyful,” said Lori Coffield, unit secretary. “They’re never in a bad mood. They’re always laughing or making other people laugh.”
Scheer came to the skilled care facility in 2020 and Tiedje came to live with her sister in 2021. They share a room along with a lifetime of loyal sisterhood undiminished by the years.
Fremont Tribune: Identical Twins, 93, Enjoy Life at Dunklau Gardens