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Showing 451-460 results of 3256

Finding Inner Peace Through Inner Beauty

Cancer. She knew she had it all along. “I just hadn’t been feeling well,” said survivor Leslie Peterson. “I was out at a party, enjoying the evening, and I felt like I just got hit in the back with a hammer or something. I just felt terrible, and I didn’t feel well the rest of the night.” She ma…

Play it Safe for Playground Fun

Omaha is lucky to have many playgrounds.They're a great way to get fresh air and exercise, but they’re not without danger.More than 200,000 children are treated in hospital emergency rooms each year for injuries sustained on playgrounds. And almost half of all playground accidents result in an emerg…

Alex Keogh, PLMHP

Alex Keogh, PLMHPAlex Keogh, PLMHP, developed an interest in behavioral health during college. And now as a counselor for the Methodist Hospital Community Counseling Program, he believes in providing support to anyone in need.“I want my clients to know that I’m their advocate, and I will support the…

Callie Moore, MS, PLMHP

Callie Moore, MS, PLMHP Callie Moore, MS, PLMHP, knew from an early age that she’d one day pursue a career that allowed her to make a difference helping others. “I was always told by friends and family that I was a good listener,” said Moore, who sees clients through the Methodist Hospital Commun…

Tori Hudson, PLMHP

Tori Hudson, PLMHPTori Hudson, PLMHP, has long enjoyed learning about people and how to best support them.As a counselor with the Methodist Hospital Community Counseling Program, Hudson is passionate about helping clients of all ages process trauma, manage anxiety and depression, and build confidenc…

Heart Disease Is the Nation's, Southwest Iowa's No. 1 Killer

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer in the United States, responsible for nearly 700,000 deaths in 2020. It kills indiscriminately, but equally, with no regard for gender or ethnic or racial background. In southwest Iowa, it kills people at a significantly higher rate than the national average. A nu…

Southwest Iowa Sees Higher Rates in Nation's Leading Causes of Death

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, with lung cancer the most prevalent, accounting for more than 20% of all cancer deaths over the past two decades. In southwest Iowa, over the same period, the rate is even higher. Using data compiled by the Centers for Disease Contro…

Cancer Tops Heart Disease as Top Cause of Death in Nebraska

In the Omaha metro area, cancer consistently has been the leading cause of death for more than a decade, having first overtaken heart disease in 2005. The good news is that the mortality rates for both diseases have been falling for decades due to healthier habits and advances in prevention and tre…

Lung Cancer Is Most Prevalent Cancer in Southwest Iowa, Nation

Everyone knows that smoking cigarettes can lead to lung cancer, but tobacco is far from the only cause — 20% of people who die from lung cancer each year have never smoked or used tobacco in any form, according to the American Cancer Society. So what is causing lung cancer, aside from smoking? A lo…