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Showing 151-160 results of 3255

Handmade Blankets to Warm and Encourage

  Squares that care A warm blanket can seem like such a simple thing. Yet sometimes the simplest acts of kindness can mean the most. It’s that simple act of kindness – providing a warm blanket to someone in need – that spawned a recent community service project led by a team of employees at Meth…

New Shingles Vaccine Shingrix Much More Effective

This past fall, a new shingles vaccine, Shingrix, was approved by the FDA and marked the first major development in the prevention of this devastating disease in over 10 years. The excitement about this new vaccine, coupled with the fact that one in every three adults will suffer from the shingles, …

Helping Your Teenager's Headaches

Complaints of headachesIt’s never easy to see your teenager hurt, especially when you can’t figure out the cause. I get a lot of questions from parents of my teenage patients about headaches.Headaches, however, are one of the most common pain complaints we see in pediatric clinic. In fact, in one st…