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Methodist Hospital Visiting Hours and Policy

Visiting Hours
Visiting hours are 5 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. for non-family members and children to support rest and healing for our patients.

Please follow the guidelines below when visiting to ensure the safety of all patients and guests.

Family and Visitor Presence
  • As a patient, you have the right to choose who visits you, including but not limited to a spouse, family members, a domestic partner or a friend.
  • You also have the right to define your “family” and how they will be involved in your care. Family may be anyone related to you by birth or marriage, friends, or neighbors.
  • We ask that you designate a health partner upon admission. For additional information on choosing a health partner.
  • Your health partner and adult family members are always welcome. However, certain visitor restrictions may be implemented by hospital administration or your care team.
  • Visitor privileges will not be denied on the basis of race, national origin, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
Visiting Hours
  • A patient's health partner or an adult family member are welcome bedside 24 hours a day, according to patient and care team preferences.
  • Any request for an overnight stay of an adult family member must be coordinated and approved in advance with your care team.
  • In an effort to promote rest and healing for our patients, visiting hours for non-family adults and children are from 5 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Visitor Restrictions
  • Family or visitor presence may be limited or restricted based on your care plan or during periods of seasonal or transmittable illness in the community.
  • You may request that any visitor be escorted from your room at any time for any reason.
  • An adult must accompany all children and dependent adults who visit the hospital and should check with the nurse before bringing them into your room. Health and age restrictions may apply.
  • The hospital may not exclude a visitor unless that person’s presence disturbs you or another individual’s rights, privacy or safety, or the visit is not advised for medical or therapeutic reasons.
  • Family or visitor presence may be limited or restricted based on your care plan, a specific unit visitor policy, or during periods of seasonal or transmittable illness in the community.
Visitor Responsibilities
  • All family and visitors must be free of communicable diseases and comply with infection control regulations.
  • All family and visitors must follow posted regulations and hospital policies.
  • Family and visitors may not engage in loud, disruptive, threatening or violent behavior. 
“No Information” Status
  • If you don’t want anyone to know you’re in the hospital, you may ask to be a “No Information” patient. Any inquiries about you would be met with the response, “We have no record of a patient by that name.”
Cafeteria and Gift Shop
Visitors are encouraged to stay in the patients’ rooms and waiting areas, but may access the cafeteria, coffee shop and gift shop.
Patient and Visitor Services
Learn about additional patient and visitor services, such as interpreters, spiritual care and service animals.