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Shaken Baby Task Force

Methodist Jennie Edmundson Hospital provides free educational materials on the prevention of shaken baby syndrome. The Shaken Baby Task Force works to increase public awareness of the dangers of shaken baby syndrome.

In 1997, individuals at Methodist Jennie Edmundson Hospital became concerned about the high incidence of child abuse cases in the Council Bluffs area, particularly three deaths attributed to Shaken Baby Syndrome. In a community effort aimed at prevention through education and public awareness, area organizations joined forces to form the Shaken Baby Task Force.

Methodist Jennie Edmundson Hospital has launched a new Safe Baby Campaign, making an easy-to-understand DVD/booklet package available free of charge to day care providers, new parents and high school classes on parenting and child development.

Topics covered include the prevention of:

  • Shaken Baby Syndrome
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  • Co-sleeping
  • Infant exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke

2014 Telly Award Winner

The Safe Baby Campaign received a 2014 Bronze Telly Award for outstanding short educational film. Telly Awards honor outstanding local, regional and cable television commercials and programs, as well as the finest video and film productions, and work created for the web.

For a free copy of the new DVD/booklet package or for additional information, contact the Family Resource Center at Methodist Jennie Edmundson Hospital at (712) 396-4200 or visit

The new Safe Baby video, "A Baby's Life Is in Your Hands," is viewable online at