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Childbirth Education at Methodist Women's Hospital

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View and register for upcoming childbirth education classes at Methodist Women's Hospital.

We help you be the best parent you can with classes designed to help new moms and dads care for their newly born baby.

Methodist Women's Hospital offers an array of classes on pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, taking care of your baby and more. We are committed to helping families transition into the next phase in their life—whether it's a first child, multiples, or helping a sibling with a new baby in the home.

Prepared Childbirth Education Classes

From Belly Bump to Bassinet (Six-Week Course)

This course helps you and your partner prepare for the birth of your baby by techniques for labor, the importance of birthing partners and learning how to care for a newborn. This class helps educate you to make informed decisions to define your birth experience and includes "Breastfeeding Basics." 
Cost: $65

From Belly Bump to Bassinet (Saturday Class)

A condensed version of the six-week course, this day-long class focuses on the educational aspect of labor, delivery and newborn care. Lunch is provided. Register separately for “Breastfeeding Basics.”
Cost: $80

Essential Tools for Labor Support (Evening Class)

If you desire a low intervention childbirth, this interactive course provides activities, relaxation and hands on practice for you and your partner to achieve a relaxed and holistic childbirth experience.  
Cost: $30

From Contractions to Cuddling—An Encore (Evening Class)

Geared toward parents who already have children, this course proves information on current delivery techniques as well as a refresher on breathing and comfort techniques.
Cost: $25

Bringing Bundles of Joy into the World (Evening Class)

For parents expecting multiples, this class covers labor, delivery, feeding and parenting to help you get ready for your adventure with multiples.
Cost: $30

Big Kid Basics

Children (ages 3-12) prepare for their new sibling with activities geared toward helping your child take an active role in his or her new baby brother's or sister's care.
Cost: $10 per child

Family and Friends Baby Prep

This newborn basics class is a great opportunity for anyone who will be caring for or spending significant time with your baby.
Cost: $10 per participant

Breastfeeding Basics

Learn the benefits of breastfeeding and helpful tips to begin breastfeeding successfully. This material is covered in the 6-week session of "Belly Bump to Bassinet." Your partner or support person is encouraged to attend class with you.
Cost: $10

Expectant Family Tour

Expectant families are encouraged to prepare for their baby's deliver by watching the video below or scheduling an in-person tour. Spots and times are limited.

Support for After Baby Arrives

Back to Work and Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding moms will get helpful advice from our lactation consultants to ease the return to the workplace. Visit our class calendar for dates and information.

Baby and Me

This free, interactive class allows you and your baby to bond and share experiences with other moms while gaining tips and reassurance from a certified Methodist Women's lactation consultant who leads the hour-long sessions. Visit our class calendar for dates and information.

Mom-to-Mom Peer Support Group

This free group provides guided peer support to new and expectant moms, creating a safe space to ask questions and to share personal observances through open conversation. Led by a licensed mental health practitioner specializing in women’s health and trained medical professionals, these hour-long sessions are designed for moms to help each other navigate the emotional and social changes that can occur when a new baby joins a family. Visit our calendar for dates and information.

Infant CPR

This Family and Friends CPR course is designed for family, friends and members of the community interested in infant, toddler and adult CPR training and do not need a course completion card. Visit our class calendar for dates and registration information.
Cost: $25 per person

How to Register

Visit our class calendar to view upcoming dates, register and pay (if applicable) for Methodist Women's Hospital Childbirth Education classes or tours.

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