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Methodist Health Partners coordinates and facilitates the delivery of health care services by participating providers that improve the quality, accessibility and affordability of healthcare services.
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Methodist Health Partners (MHP) contracts with physicians and other health care practitioners for participation in Medicare Advantage plans and other similar Medicare products. Participation in such Medicare plans subjects MHP and its contracted providers to compliance requirements applicable to first tier and downstream entities of the plans with which MHP contracts.

To carry out its responsibilities to such Medicare plans, the Board of Directors of MHP has adopted these Standards of Conduct for MHP contracted providers who participate in such plans. These Standards of Conduct are tailored to the role of MHP contracted providers.

Contracted Payers
Methodist Health Partners has contracted with various payers to provide services to its members, employees or insured.
Contact Us
Our experienced team provides value-based payer contracting, credentialing, and provider relations services to Methodist Health Partners providers.